July 2023 - Mindfulness in the News Roundup

Mindfulness is a powerful tool - we all know that. This month we are highlighting its role in three distinct areas:

  1. Improved concentration and reduced end-of-day fatigue

  2. Increased creativity and problem-solving skills

  3. Better attention and focus

Take Your Break

You know those times when work feels like a never-ending marathon and by the end of the day, you're practically running on fumes? Turns out, science has a helpful solution: taking breaks. We're talking about mindful breaks like going for a stroll, stepping away for lunch, listening to a podcast or putting on your favorite meditation. Research shows these breaks actually rev up your concentration and help you combat that dreaded end-of-day fatigue. So, the next time your brain feels like it's hitting a wall, consider stepping back, taking a breather, and diving into a little mindfulness. Your focus and energy levels will thank you.

Fostering Inclusivity and Diversity

Inclusivity and diversity in the workplace is important (that’s a hard stop). Diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences encourage creativity, innovation, and greater problem-solving skills. These are all great. But often organizations struggle with how to actually make their workplaces more diverse and inclusive. One of our favorite tools? You guessed it, mindfulness. Research demonstrates that mindfulness encourages individuals to develop heightened awareness and empathy, to better understand the perspectives of their colleagues which, in turn, cultivates an environment that values different viewpoints and nurtures inclusivity.

Let’s Get Focused

In a world where cute-pet-videos and message notifications reign supreme, holding onto your focus is like trying to catch a slippery fish. The good news? Mindfulness can be your trusty fishing net. A recent study found that practicing mindfulness for just three weeks can seriously level up your attention skills. It's like a workout for your brain, making it better at paying attention, enhancing cognitive resilience, and staying in the zone even when the world is buzzing with distractions.


August - Three Things We Are Loving


August - Mindfulness in the News