Teacher Training Week 3: The Power of Connection

Chill's 1st 100% digital Teacher Training program is well underway with students from Seattle to Chicago. Kenya, a current Chill student, offered to share ongoing stories about her journey.

We are three weeks into our virtual meditation teacher training. While virtual training is not my preferred style of learning, I’m grateful Chill is able to offer their program with all that is going on in the world right now.

I have noticed that one of the challenges of doing a training virtually is that I miss the connections created in real life with fellow trainees. It turns out others were also feeling this way. So we got creative, one of my fellow trainees created a quick Zoom conversation where we can take a few moments to connect and learn more about one another. Initially it felt like one more thing to add to the list of an already long day. I have a toddler. I work full time as a school social worker. Doing just those two tasks are exhausting. I am doing my best to find the balance between teacher training, work and family. I realize the importance of creating connections with like-minded people so I continue to join in the Zoom conversations when I can. I’m grateful for the opportunity for connection. Additionally, as part of the training we got paired with a partner. It’s really nice to connect with others that are going through the same experiences.

I’ve been thinking about how this training has affected my perspective on what is going on in the world currently. As I mentioned, I am a school social worker and have been working from home for the past ten weeks. At about week five of being at home, I had a little meltdown. I just couldn’t be in the house anymore. EVERYTHING was overwhelming. I needed something for me. I needed to fill my own cup so I could be there for my students, my family and most importantly, myself. 

You can definitely say that this training came along at just the right time. My meditation practice helps keep me focused and calm. The mindfulness practices, specifically meditation have given me the tools to manage challenging times. I have realized that you can’t ignore the feelings and emotions that go along with your current circumstances in an effort to make yourself feel better. That’s not what mindfulness is at all. There are times that you have to really feel all of the feelings which can be tough and uncomfortable, but as Robert Frost said, “The only way around, is through.”

Teacher Training Week 1: The Power of Labeling

Teacher Training Week 2: Sitting for 30 Minutes a Day

Teacher Training Week 3: The Power of Connection

Teacher Training Week 4 + 5: The 7 Attitudes of Mindfulness

Teacher Training Week 6: My “why” for Taking Chill’s Meditation Teacher Training

Post Teacher Training: For My Friends That Want To Know More About Meditation

CLICK HERE if you are interested in signing up or learning more about our Fall 2020 Virtual Meditation Teacher Training.


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