If You Can’t Go Here or There, Go to Chill Anywhere

Even before we were in the midst of a pandemic, I frequented sites that enticed me with their  promises of calm, better sleep and overall peacefulness. If I was awake at 3 am, I would look  for a guided meditation online to lure me back to sleep. If I needed assistance with my daily  meditations, I found voices that led with a calm certainty. Yet, I always bounced around from  app to app. Then, Chill introduced Chill Anywhere, just when we all needed it the most. From offering a “daily mindful minute” to being able to remotely join live 30-minute meditation sessions, this app has been a big part of my at-home-during-Covid time.  

What’s great about this app is that there is no pressure on the user. The Chill Anywhere app is symbolic of the company’s philosophy as a whole: It’s about non-doing … It’s about being …  It’s about simply chilling. And, while many of us are working from home and feeling unable to go to most places, this app provides a spiritual location to which we can escape.  

Today, for example, my morning was full of Zoom meetings and assignments. Between getting ready for work commitments, taking care of my dogs and getting my daughter fed before her remote schooling began, I only had time to look at my Chill Anywhere app and read the daily quote: “Never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations.” This quote by Dr. Mae Jemison was just what I needed as I’ve been analyzing my days at home lately. I’ve been wondering what I can do to push myself out of my comfort zone, to be more creative, to not get stuck in routines. Many people around me are understandably consumed with news, fear and their limited routines. Yet, Chill reminded me that my potential is limitless.  

Chill’s daily quote was further useful this morning as it also let me know that this app will be there for me this afternoon, this evening or whenever I want to indulge. Whether I have time for  a mini two-minute meditation or I have time to kneel on my cushion for a lovely 30-minute stretch, I just need to open my app.  

In addition to the recorded options, daily reminders and lovely quotes, the Chill app provides many live-streamed meditation + yoga classes. One can reserve spots in these live classes by signing up ahead of time. The flexible nature of the app adds to this overall sense of calm: No one is rushing to get to a studio. The classes can be done whenever and wherever one chooses. 

Chill Anywhere also offers a variety of categories of recorded meditations ranging from stress and anxiety to creativity. So, my daily use of the app depends on what I need. Sometimes I’m fueled by work pressure, while at other times I’m motivated by relationship demands. But, I like how it’s there for me, just like my cushion is there for me: They’re both a reminder that I  can be flexible and forgiving with myself while I envelop myself in calm.  

For anyone interested in testing out the app, Chill Anywhere is currently offering a complimentary 14-day trial. Once  you’ve incorporated this app with your daily practice, you can then pay a monthly or annual  subscription. I personally have found that the email reminders I receive (now that I’m signed up with an annual subscription) are motivating and comforting. I just received an email (truly this minute!) asking me if I’m feeling stressed. The subject of the email was “Feeling stressed? We can help.”  

This app is like a great friend: motivating, encouraging, rewarding and calming … and even checking in on you during a pandemic to see if you’re stressed! As a matter of fact, I’m going to spend a few minutes with that great friend right now.

—Amy Lee Kite

CLICK HERE to learn more about Chill Anywhere.


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