Mitigate Workplace Stress with Mindfulness

Claire Mark, Co-Founder of CHILL and Jeff Bunn, former attorney and mindfulness practitioner, sit down to discuss stressors facing the legal industry and the constant pressures of modern day working. See how meditation and mindfulness are powerful tools to mitigate the stress and anxiety we all face.

Below are a few key takeaways from their conversation:

High pressure, high stress for lawyers. Whether it’s pressure from clients, a constant need to get things done quickly, personnel dynamics in the law firm, lawyers are stressed and burnt out.

The need to always “be on.” The constant pressure to be on both at work and home is draining for lawyers, like Jeff, and many feel the need to shift personas to manage it all.

Silence, stillness + reflection. For the modern day employee, these three words may sound unrealistic. Consistent meditation practice can make them a reality.


January - Three Things We Are Loving


January: Mindfulness in the News