January - Three Things We Are Loving

Disconnect and dive into a good book.

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow


Gabrielle Zevin’s novel Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow spans three decades and both US coasts. Following two friends (and gamers), the book reflects on disability, intellect, entrepreneurship, relationships, and mental illness.

At its core, it’s a love story. We get a sneak peek into the world of gaming and get to see an authentic representation of good people having, at times, very bad days. The story of Sam and Sadie is a brilliant reminder of the ephemeral nature of life.

Read now: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

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The Body Keeps the Score


A NYT Best Seller for more than 150 weeks, in The Body Keeps the Score, Bessel van der Kolk M.D. draws from over 30 years of research and clinical practice to explain how trauma reshapes the brain and the body.  

Traumatic moments pass, but the remnants of these experiences remain. Dr. van der Kolk explains how traumatic stress can affect the brain, and specifically the areas dedicated to pleasure, engagement, control, and trust. He also shares how these areas can be reactivated through various treatments and therapies including mindfulness.

We learn, however, that underneath the pain is the strength to heal.

Read now: The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van de Kolk

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Journey of Awakening


Journey of Awakening by Ram Dass was originally published in 1978 and reinforces that there isn't a single, right way to meditate. Deep breathing, mantras, singing, visualization—all reflect the “essence” of meditation. Part of the journey is discovering what styles of meditation work for you.

Furthermore, there isn’t a destination of perfection and we need to be cautious of the trap of “spiritual pride”. You will get stuck, but this is a symptom of change. We don’t know what will happen from one moment to the next. Your relationship to meditation has an opportunity to change as well. The key is to simply stick with the journey.

Read: Journey of Awakening by Ram Dass

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January 2023 - Mindfulness in the News Roundup


Mitigate Workplace Stress with Mindfulness