Prioritizing Mental Health in the Workplace

As May and Mental Health Awareness Month approach, it’s important to consider how mental health and wellness are recognized and discussed in the workplace, if at all.

Why should businesses promote mental wellness within their organizations?

  • 1 in 5 US adults live with mental illness.

  • 41% of Americans report feeling burned out from work.

  • Between March 2 and March 14, the CDC found nearly a third of Americans reported feelings of anxiety or depression. In comparison, during the same time-period in 2019 only 11% of Americans reported these symptoms.

These realities impact each facet of our daily lives, including our work. When mental health and wellness go unacknowledged, organizations do a disservice to company culture and output.

How can businesses function in ways which promote and advocate for the emotional and mental wellbeing of its employees?

  1. Assess Mission + Core Values

  • Take a look at the values upheld by the company and determine whether these promote and advocate for employee mental wellbeing.

  • Evaluate how organizational norms and culture can be altered to support mental health.

  • Make the necessary adjustments to ensure the company rests on a foundation which prioritizes mental health.

2. Create a Compassionate + Communicative Environment

  • Lead with empathy.

  • Offer employees support and valuable resources.

  • Encourage mental wellness and positive coping strategies as essential to optimal performance vs rewarding overworking.

  • Engage regularly in check-ins and actively listen to employees. Keep in mind not everyone will have the same level of comfort sharing. Respect each individual's boundaries.

3. Work to Reduce Stigma

  • Stigma prevents people from reaching out and can even lead to discrimination.

  • Implement programs to educate and discuss mental health in productive ways.

  • Use person-centered language when discussing mental health. Doing so puts individuals first and prevents them from being defined by mental health and substance use disorders.

4. Survey Employees + Measure Results

  • Regularly survey employees on mental wellbeing and satisfaction with company mental health education and support.

  • Measure these results and implement any necessary changes.

Want even more ways to foster mental well-being within your organization? CHILL can help. Our custom wellbeing programs include: tailored mindfulness sessions, new hire training programs, the CHILL Anywhere app, CHILL Coaching, CHILL Private Studios, custom communication plans and measurable results. Reach out to to learn more.


CHILL: Empowering a Team to Practice What They Preach


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