Teacher Training Week 6: My “why” for Taking Chill’s Meditation Teacher Training

Chill's 1st 100% digital Teacher Training program is well underway with students from Seattle to Chicago. Kenya, a current Chill student, offered to share ongoing stories about her journey.

Here we are on the last day of meditation teacher training with Chill. The past six weeks have gone by really fast. One of the last exercises we participated in focused on mindful listening. During this exercise your partner poses a question and listens completely without responding, until you are done sharing. These questions helped frame my teacher training journey and hopefully will inspire you to think about your “why” for taking teacher training in the future. 

What is your “why” for taking Chill’s Meditation Teacher Training?

There are many reasons why I decided to take the training. One of the main reasons is that I feel balanced and calm when I have a consistent meditation practice. Secondly, meditation and mindfulness are such powerful tools yielding amazing results when used consistently.  

What do you intend to do with this training once you’ve graduated?

I plan to incorporate meditation into the work that I do as a doula, social worker and yoga teacher. While mindfulness meditation is becoming increasingly popular in the western world, it still needs to be taught in an approachable way. Chill gave me the tools to do this. I believe that the adults and students that I work with will greatly benefit from these practices. I look forward to witnessing the results.

In full transparency, I used to feel inadequate about my teaching skills. This training has boosted my self-esteem in how I see myself and in my abilities. I am proud to say that I feel confident in leading a meditation. Plus, it has given me the confidence to fulfill the goals I have for my business and fully step into my power - the power that was always there.

I feel very fortunate to have been able to complete Chill’s first virtual training. I don’t think I could have participated in any other form since I am a mother who works full time. At the beginning of this, I wasn’t sure I would make connections with my fellow trainees because it was virtual, but I can say that I have made meaningful connections with people in my cohort. Each person was able to bring their unique selves to the training and it showed. I look forward to building those connections as we move on from the training. I’ve learned so much from this experience especially the instructors and my fellow trainees. I would love to do it all over again. Thank you, Chill!

Teacher Training Week 1: The Power of Labeling

Teacher Training Week 2: Sitting for 30 Minutes a Day

Teacher Training Week 3: The Power of Connection

Teacher Training Week 4 + 5: The 7 Attitudes of Mindfulness

Teacher Training Week 6: My “why” for Taking Chill’s Meditation Teacher Training

Post Teacher Training: For My Friends That Want To Know More About Meditation

CLICK HERE if you are interested in signing up or learning more about our Fall 2020 Virtual Meditation Teacher Training.


Post Teacher Training: For My Friends That Want To Know More About Meditation


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