Expert Advice to Beat the Winter Blues

Laura Sage, Co-Founder and CEO of CHILL, recently shared tips on how to prioritize mental health at home in a article on navigating the winter blues. Check out a short excerpt from that article below.

“As the warm weather ends, it marks for many the beginning of a season filled with holiday celebrations and family traditions. But for some, the time change also marks the beginning of winter blues. Winter blues are a common phenomenon that arrives when the seasons change from spring, summer, and autumn into wintertime. We asked experts for their tips on how to beat the winter blues.

How to prioritize mental health at home?

‘To optimize mental health at home we have two suggestions. First, find a dedicated space. The space can be modest, a quiet closet or bathroom. You could also incorporate some luxury or iconography for inspiration.  Perhaps you have a beautiful cushion specifically dedicated to meditation or a picture of an aspirational vacation location that helps you feel content. 

We also suggest you find a specific time of day to integrate mental wellbeing exercises into your routine. A convenient time might be within 5 min or waking up in the morning. Perhaps right before or after you brush your teeth. You might prefer to meditate just before going to bed as part of an evening ritual to promote better sleep. We always encourage consistency over duration. Mental wellbeing exercises work if you do the work.’”

For more tips on how to beat the winter blues, check out the rest of this article.


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