November: Three Things We Are Loving

As the weather outside grows cold, here are a few staples for staying in mindfully.

Finding Joe

Image by Finding Joe

This 2011 documentary explores the work of writer, professor and mythologist Joseph Campbell. Campbell coined “The Hero’s Journey” to describe the narrative structure commonly found in storytelling. In this narrative, the hero embarks on an adventure, encounters an obstacle, overcomes this obstacle, and returns victorious. Filled with interviews from Deepak Chopra, Mick Fleetwood, Tony Hawk, Rashida Jones and more, the film highlights ways in which Campbell’s work remains relevant and essential in living a fully realized life.

We can’t help but consider how The Hero’s Journey is an important lesson in overcoming adversity. Our fears, or dragons as Campbell refers to them, keep us small. We must conjure up the courage and strength to slay our own dragons, and as Campbell puts it, “follow your bliss.” Defeat the fears that prevent you from living a full life. Find what you enjoy and persevere. Living a life that makes you feel fulfilled and appreciating the current moment seems pretty mindful to us.

Stream now: Finding Joe

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The 1975

Image by The 1975

Last month, this English pop-rock band released their fifth studio album Being Funny in a Foreign Language. They’ve sprinkled in softer ballads alongside the upbeat anthems they’re known for. Despite their name, The 1975 draws influence from ’80s music with groovy saxes and catchy hooks. Whether you’re a fan like us, or a soon-to-be devotee, it’s worth noting that they’ve also kicked off their North American tour, playfully titled, ‘At Their Very Best.

Music is a powerful force. The lyrics and melodies created by strangers can resonate deeply with people across the globe. A good song can move you emotionally, and perhaps even physically (a dance break can do wonders for your mental well-being).

For a moment, try to tune out life’s noise and tune in to music.

Listen now: Being Funny in a Foreign Language by The 1975

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Healthy for the Holidays

Image by Katie Morford

Food is nutrition, but it’s also celebration. It’s helpful to remember, especially this time of year, that it can be both. Share the beauty of a healthy, homemade meal with friends and family this holiday season. The holidays can be stressful, but a few healthy habits can help us approach this holiday season more mindfully.

One easy way to ensure you’re nourishing your body is by adding vegetables to your meal. This can be as simple, nourishing, and delicious as a salad. Cooking doesn’t have to be boring either. Turn-up your favorite tunes in the kitchen or make it a team sport and invite company to participate.

View recipe: Shaved Brussels Sprouts Salad

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November: Mindfulness in the News


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