February 2023 - Mindfulness in the News Roundup

Inspired by recent studies and stories, we put together this roundup highlighting the many benefits of mindfulness and different ways you can incorporate it into your daily life. 

This month, we discovered: mindfulness improves romantic relationships; forgiving others is even better for the forgiver; incorporating yoga into an exercise routine boosts heart health; and practicing mindfulness is a key habit to increase happiness. 

Yoga + Cardiovascular Health

Yoga has long been touted as a stress-relieving exercise, but new research suggests it may also be beneficial for cardiovascular health. A study published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology found that practicing yoga, with regular exercise, improves resting blood pressure and heart rate. Why are these things important? They can lead to a healthier functioning heart and better cardiovascular fitness

Mindfulness for Better Relationships 

A study published in the journal Mindfulness found that mindfulness meditation can improve romantic relationships. Researchers found that couples who practiced mindfulness together reported higher levels of relationship satisfaction. Mindfulness helps people accept that their partner isn’t perfect, rather than try and change their qualities. This ultimately leads to more satisfaction in romantic relationships. 

Forgiveness for improved mental health

You may have heard that forgiveness is so much more for the forgiver than the one being forgiven. It sounds backward, but now, science can confirm it's true. This five-week study found that greater forgiveness is associated with decreases in stress and in turn, a decrease in mental health symptoms. 

Mindfulness for Happiness 

Finally, cultivating a habit of mindfulness may be one key to long-term happiness. A recent Inc.com article highlighted mindfulness habits of the happiest people. In addition to practicing meditation, here are a few key mindfulness habits that lead to higher levels of life satisfaction and wellbeing: 

  • Be present and feel grounded in the moment

  • Seek awareness in how you feel emotionally and physically

  • Journal to connect with yourself, express gratitude, and sort through emotions

  • Increase real connection and reduce screen time


March - Mindfulness in the News


February - Three Things We Are Loving