February - Three Things We Are Loving

Indulge in your guilty pleasures.

Ice Cream from Pretty Cool

Pretty Cool

Often, we associate “guilty pleasures” with sweet treats—and what comes to mind for the CHILL team? Definitely ice cream. Pretty Cool is a local Chicago ice cream bar shop with some pretty creative flavors. Our team’s favorites? Laura is dreaming about a rainbow chip bar, Jennifer digs the chocolate and mint combo in the Grasshopper bar, Danielle enjoys the vegan Banana Daiquiri, and Darrell is eyeing the sweet and creamy Mango Lassi. (And we certainly indulged on February 4th for National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day.)

Instead of focusing on the calories, sugar, and fat of ice cream, we encourage you to simply enjoy the treat, guilt-free, every once in a while. (We’re willing to bet it won’t derail a single thing done in moderation.) 

Before you dig in, pause and reflect on mindful eating. Slow down to savor each bite. Notice the temperature and texture as it hits your tongue. Truly relish the deliciousness and the benefit of slowing down and eating using all your senses? It actually tastes even better.

Take a bite: Pretty Cool Ice Cream

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Full-body Massage from Mar Bodywork

Mar Bodywork

CHILL used to host no-need-to-get-naked massages, so we know what we’re talking about here. We were arm twisted into doing a lot of product demos 😏. Some might think a massage is an indulgence, but working with Marile at Mar Bodywork is all about wellness. 

Many people know that massages are relaxing and feel good, but did you know about all the studied benefits to both your physical and mental health? According to the Mayo Clinic, massage and therapeutic touch reduce symptoms of depression, ease anxiety and stress, improve mood, decrease chronic pain, and lower blood pressure. So book yourself a massage…it’s good for you!

Book an appointment: Mar Bodywork

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The Janes Documentary


It’s an empowering movie with a great story featuring our hometown of Chicago. These women, the Janes, were literally guilty as charged. Shamelessly. We commend them for their courage, ability to organize, and impact as they blazed trails for women across the United States

It’s remarkable how inspiration comes from so many places. Take time to watch and consider how you can take awareness into action for the causes that matter most to you. 

Watch Now: The Janes

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February 2023 - Mindfulness in the News Roundup


The Power to CHILL Anywhere: Fiftyfaces Podcast