The Power to CHILL Anywhere: Fiftyfaces Podcast

Aoifinn Devitt, host of Fiftyfaces Podcast, and Laura Sage, Co-Founder of CHILL, sat down to discuss the history of CHILL. The importance of mental wellbeing and advice for entrepreneurs were part of the conversation.

Here are a few takeaways. To listen to the full podcast, click here.

A new generation of young employees is paving the way for mental wellbeing in the workplace. Stigmas are being broken, and mental wellness support is being demanded.

After personally experiencing the benefits of meditation and mindfulness, Laura felt compelled to share what she learned with others. But, she knew busy professionals needed to be marketed to in a different way. No incense. No chakras. No dogmas.

Mental wellbeing exercises help the workforce. Productivity, focus, resiliency, relationships, creativity - all are improved. Companies benefit from better recruitment, retention and culture. People are happier.

Hire and work with people who not only look different from you, but think differently. You want a team that has a collection of unique perspectives and experiences.

Stop letting perfection get in the way of putting out a very good product, service, or business. The pursuit of perfection can paralyze progress.

CHILL’s mission is to help people live less stressed and more mindful lives. This is resonating. We have been embraced by so many exceptional humans, and our community has been generous with their advice, time, and resources to help CHILL thrive.

It’s important that we stay focused on our mission and vision. We can’t always be everything to everyone. Less is often more.


February - Three Things We Are Loving


February - Mindfulness in the News